When registering a player, a parent may request that their child be placed on a team with another child. During the registration ‘check-out’ process a questionnaire is filled out for each player. There is a text box on this questionnaire for you to submit the other child’s name. Request only one name as described in the conditions below. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in your request not being fulfilled and your child will be placed on a team at random.
Requests are subject to the following conditions:
- Requests must be one-to-one player reciprocated requests (i.e. Johnny requests Matthew, Matthew requests Johnny)
- Requests must be made when registering the player. No phone or faxed-in requests will be accepted
- Requests will not be accepted after the Indoor registration deadline or Outdoor registration deadline. The reciprocal player request must also be made prior to the deadline
- Requests to play with a specific Coach or Team will not be accepted
- Requests are accepted at the discretion of the WSC
- Submitting a request is not a guarantee that it will be provided
- Player requests not being granted do not constitute a request for a refund
- Any appeals for exceptions to this policy must be made in writing to the League Committee/Board of Directors
- Not Playing with a particular player, coach, team does not constitute a request for a refund. No refunds with be given!